Detail shots

Continued shots

  • For family photos I prefer, as much as possible, your place of daily life. Otherwise the outside. But in no case photos posed in a studio.
  • For a book, its construction will depend on its purpose: for you, cast of actors, modeling ...
  • For a wedding, a proven approach:
  1. Listen to your desires
  2. Identify in advance the different shooting locations (church, town hall, park ...)
  3. Make a hundred images, no more
  4. Edit photos before handing them over to digital media
  5. Offer you options according to your budget and not a complete package:print the most beautiful images in 20 * 30 cm or 30 * 45 cm format (a medium has a limited lifespan, a print will still be visible in 100 years);carry out a complete report ranging from the preparation of the festivities and the bride and groom, until the evening ...
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